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Goverance Structure


Academies are publicly‐funded schools which operate outside of local authority control. They receive their funding directly from central government, through the ESFA (Education and skills Funding Agency), rather than through a local authority. The trust board carries all the legal responsibilities and is accountable for school standards, risks, governance and finance.

Members of a company limited by guarantee are similar to the shareholders in a company. The role of a member is a ‘hands-off, eyes on’ role, similar to the governance role of the local authority in a maintained school. Members will have limited powers which will include the right to wind up the academy trust, amend the articles of association, appoint other members and appoint and remove one or more trustee.

The members for the Cardinal Newman Catholic Educational Trust are:

Clifton Diocese
Bishop Bosco
Mrs Lyn Murray (COO of Clifton Diocese)
Mrs Mary Cox (Director of Schools and Colleges for Clifton Diocese)

More information on the members can be found here:

Contact Us

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Registered office:

St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Primary School, 

Pennywell Road,

BS5 0TJ.
Company no. 13306140

Phone: 01173772259

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